Vendor Application

Vintage, Antiques and Re Loved Finds
924 W Main Street
Collinsville, OK 74021
(918) 770-1275

Vendor Application

Applicant(s) Name: __________________________________

FIN/SSN#________________________ Sale Tax # ________________ (Please provide a copy of Sales Tax Certificate)

Mailing Address _________________________________________________________

Cell/Home Phone ________________________ Other Phone _________________________

Vendor Name ____________________________________________________

Email/Website _____________________________________________________

People Authorized to have access to your booth for purposes of adding/removing items

Summary of items requesting to sell __________________________________________________________

**Pictures of items for sale are required prior to contract agreement (submit with application or email to**

Lease Desired _____$3.00 sq ft with 6 mo lease _____$2.50 sq ft with 1 year lease
****Minimum of 4x8 sq ft****

Space Size _____________

________Wall Space - $1.50 sq ft with a 6 month lease and minimum of 4' required

***Please inquire about advance payment discount***